
Orchard Girls

Thursday, June 6, 2013

Thrifty Thursday: Canvas Cut-Out Art!

Cut-Out Canvas Art
Orchard Girls - Cut-Out Canvas Art
Happy Thursday Everyone! I am so excited to share this thrifty artwork with you today! Okay, I originally found this idea from pinterest…where else?  ;)
The idea of this project is basically to cut out any design you’d like, out of the back of a blank canvas, creating a one-of-a-kind piece of artwork. The possibilities are truly endless! That’s what makes it so fun, and it gives you a chance to let your creative juices flow.
Let’s get started!
What you’ll need:
-Blank canvas (or 2..3.. or 4..) of any size
-Exacto knife
-Piece of paper
-Spray Paint/Acrylic Paint
-Scrapbook Paper
-Staple Gun
1. Okay this part can be fast and easy, OR a bit more tedious. The way I did it, was tedious. Haha. Only because I’m a cheapo! I used a piece of printer paper and held it up to my computer screen and traced a design that I found online. Then using a sharpie a traced over that.
Cut-Out Canvas Art
Orchard Girls - Cut-Out Canvas Art

2. Then holding my piece of paper and my canvas up to my computer screen I traced the design onto the back side of my canvas. OR just print it out.
3. After you have the design on the back of your canvas get your exacto knife and  start cutting! Okay, I just have to say, I cut all three of my canvases using a utility knife! Then my husband walks in and goes, “you know we have an exacto knife, right?” Wrong. I didn’t know that! Haha, anyway he found it for me, guess I’ll get to use that next time.
Orchard Girls - Cut-Out Canvas Art
Okay, see the canvas in the middle? I totally botched the design that I was going to do on it, so I just made it in to a rectangular frame.
4. Now you can spray paint your canvas.
Cut-Out Canvas Art
Orchard Girls - Cut-Out Canvas Art

5. Once that’s dry pick out some scrapbook paper and staple it to the back of the canvas. OR leave it blank and use the wall as the background color.
Cut-Out Canvas Art
Orchard Girls - Cut-Out Canvas Art
That’s it! The hardest part is cutting out your design, especially if you have an intricate one. None the less, it’s a pretty easy project that is lots of fun J
Cut-Out Canvas Art
Orchard Girls - Cut-Out Canvas Art
I am not sure where I am going to hang these bad boys yet, perhaps in the laundry room. Which I am redoing by the way, look for that in an upcoming post. 
Well, I hope you all have a wonderful day! Thank you for stopping by, leave us a comment and say hi! :)



  1. Thank you, Elise! Thanks, also, for stopping by! Have a wonderful day :)

  2. This is very cute! I found you on the Rhinestone Beagle link party and I'm a new follower. I hope you'll visit my blog and return the favor:

  3. Krissy, Thank you for the nice comment and for following our blog. We hope you enjoy our posts! I visited your blog and we are new followers to you, as well! :)



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