Our kids are about that age to start preschool, but we've decided to just do as much as we can at home, instead of sending them to a preschool. They have quite a bit of interaction with other children and I'm not worried about their social skills at this point. Since we moved into our new house we have enough space to set up a learning area for the kids. I had this idea in my head of what I wanted it to look like and I think its coming along pretty well.
I wanted to start off with the 2x4 Ikea Kallax unit and put it standing up. Next I wanted to get the Linnmon table attachment with legs to make a table space for the learning books and activities. Here is a breakdown of what I used:
--Ikea Kallax 2x4 System $64 (I found ours on the OfferUp app for $50)
--Linnmon Table Top $8.99 (they have several different table options, I went with the cheapest)
--Leg x2 $4 Each
This completes the set up of the table and storage area for the learning and activity center. You can also buy the complete set HERE. However, if you can find any of the pieces on a second hand app, like OfferUp for cheaper, do it!
Now you can use any and all educational and learning materials and activities, and set them up on your shelf unit. They have a lot of different basket options if you want them all to be put away and stored. or you can lay them all out on the shelves, not in baskets. I went for laying them just on the shelves with no baskets. At least for now. Hah. I figure the kids will be more apt to sit up there and use the items if they don't have to get help to pull out the baskets and dig in the baskets to find things. Here is how ours has turned out so far...
Abacus found HERE
Fraction and shape learning blocks found at Goodwill
Counting Color Connecting Blocks found HERE
The top four cubes are set up with materials for my two oldest kids, ages 4 and 2. The bottom for are filled with fun little activities for my youngest (1 year old) to play with while her brother and sister are working on their activities. These two chairs I found at goodwill brand new in box for around $40 bucks! You can find them brand new HERE from Target.
Top two cubes are filled with educational books. Right side had the "My letter "A" book" going through the whole alphabet. I found all pictured here at Goodwill at a great price. On the Left we have some interactive monkey reader books. On the ends of the top two shelves I used the little storage containers from IKEA to put all our different flashcards and to organize them.
Colors & Shapes, Picture/Word Matchng Activity, and Numbers & Counting Flashcards
Spelling Activity, Alphabet Flashcards, and Sight word Flashcards
On the next two Shelves I have different puzzle sets. On the right I have other puzzles like, alphabet, rhyming, counting, and spell and learn activities. I found all of these at Ross Department stores for about $4 each.
On the lower four cubes I have things for my littlest to play with while her siblings are doing their activities.
We have only had it set up for a couple of days now, but the kids love it and have been constantly finding something to read or an activity to work on at their new preschool center.

Even little Bethany is joining in on the fun! :)
This abacus is one of my favorite learning tools right now. I got it at IKEA for $10 and its awesome! All the kids love. Its great because you can gear it towards any age. 1-2 years old fine motor skills and starting color recognition. 2-3 years old color recognition and counting skills, 3-4 counting skills and beginning preschool math skills. Plus its pretty to look at it! :) Thank you for checking out our new preschool learning and activity center! I hope you enjoyed it and got some inspiration to start your own!
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A Little Bird Told me Link Party

Greetings! I love that space. I read your blog because I love Washington (and we will be moving back next year!!! Biggest yay!!!). We will also be homeschooling, very happy with that decision. Husband is a spec ed teacher so this is very useful.