Saturday, August 2, 2014

What's in My Diaper Bag?

Hello everyone :) I hope you guys are having a great weekend so far. I decided to do a post on what I've been keeping in my diaper bag. I received a perfect diaper bag for my birthday, and have been using it ever since. Hope you enjoy! Keep in mind that Ben is only 3 weeks old, so I don't need to keep very many things with me. I'm also using this bag like a purse.
First off, here's what I keep in the outside pockets for easy grabbing. From left to right:
1. Wristlet wallet from Walmart (they have them in a bunch of colors for $5!) I love this little thing. It unzips and keeps all of your cards and cash. There is a slot that fits my phone perfectly. I usually just grab this out of the diaper bag when I'm running into a store.
2. Sunglasses.
3. Keys.
4. Planner (from Target) and pen.
This is what I keep in the inside smaller pockets.
1. Headband.
2. Lotion.
3. Mirror with bobby pins and hair ties inside.
4. Bottle of medicine I like to keep handy. Has pain relievers and allergy meds.
5. Binkies.
6. Chapstick.
7. Nursing pads and regular pad.
Here's what's in the main compartment.
1. DIY Burpcloth.
2. A little diaper clutch I made (I show the contents below)
3. Nasal aspirator.
4. Receiving blanket.
5. Another diaper clutch.
6. Wet bag for soiled clothing.
This is what's in the little diaper clutches.
1. Diapers, wipes (I really like these Water Wipes!), changing pad.
2. Onesie, pants, hat, socks, mittens.
And that's it! So far I haven't found that I need anything else. He usually has another lighter swaddling blanket in his carseat, as well. I also tend to stick a water bottle in here when I'm out and about.

Is there anything you think I should add? I hope you all have an awesome Saturday. Enjoy some sunshine if you can! Talk to you soon.

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