Thursday, June 12, 2014

My Top 6 Newborn "Must Have" Products

Good afternoon everyone! Sorry I missed posting on Tuesday, its been a bit hectic around here. I hope your week is going well, it's almost Friday! I can't wait, I've been living for the weekends lately. Mostly because my husband usually doesn't have to work and is home with us all day, and we can have a lot of fun family time, not to mention it is pretty helpful to have Daniel's extra help with the kids. Simon is already 3 weeks old, I can't believe it! I've quickly discovered which items are essential for us, with a newborn. I wanted to share with you all my top 6 newborn "must have" products. Obviously, every baby is different, so, these may not work for everyone, but for us, they've become essentials.
Here they are:
1. Aden & Anais Muslin Swaddle Blankets found HERE
We have used these non-stop since the day Simon was born. They are great, especially for summer babies. They are light weight, and cool enough for the heat, but warm enough, too, for a cool evening. They come in a 4-pack which is nice, we've washed them all several time, and they seem to just get softer, after each wash!
2. Mombo Two in one Nursing and Boppy Pillow found HERE
I received this as a baby shower gift, from my mother-in-law. It has been AMAZING! I use it every time I nurse. There is a firmer side for breastfeeding, and when they get a bit older you can flip it around to use for tummy time, or to help baby learn to sit up on their own. I wish I could fold it up and take it everywhere with me for nursing on the go, but it is still fantastic.
3. Bouncer with shade covering found HERE
Simon LOVES his bouncer. Which is great because, it is easy to move and great to even take outside. Last weekend we went to a friends house that have a pool. We took the bouncer with us, and Simon was a happy camper. For summer time it is great to have a bouncer that has a shade covering on it. 
4. Burp Clothes an easy DIY by Orchard Girls found HERE
(Bibs from picture found HERE) I can't tell you how many burp cloths we go through each day. I love my DIY burp cloths the best, because you can make them as big as you'd like, and they are super soft and absorbent. If you have a baby that spits up a lot, these are definitely a must have. 
5. Moby Wrap/ Baby wearing gear found HERE
It is so nice to be able to have your little one close to you, it just feels natural. The moby does a great job with this. My only complaint with the moby is that, in the summer, it gets quite hot. Besides that it is great, and Simon usually falls asleep right away in it. Another great baby wearing product I'd like to try out is the Ergo Carrier.
6. Onesies, lots and lots of onesies found HERE 
Did he poop again? Seriously - so much poop, so much pee (everywhere)!I go through several onesie's a day. You know, the first one gets peed on, the second one gets a poop stain, the third one gets thrown up on. You get the idea ;)

Alrighty, hopefully this can give you an idea of what you'll need for that precious little one! Have a wonderful evening.

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1 comment:

  1. Oh my goodness, that picture of Simon is so flipping cute!! I can't wait to meet him. ♥

    Alexis at Laugh. Eat. Learn.
