Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Nursery Update

Happy Tuesday! Today I'm going to share what we've been up to in our nursery! We haven't done too much, just moved in some furniture and started painting. I still thought it would be fun to share our progress!

Here is a picture of everything set up that we have so far:
And a breakdown of the furniture:
-A changing table that my Mom found at a local antique shop. I also purchased a changing pad and cover.
-A little side table I stole from our living room.
-Our lazyboy rocker recliner we bought in North Carolina second hand for a nursery someday.
-A couple of ikea faux sheepskin rugs.
-Our new DaVinci Jenny Lind Crib w/ mattress.
-A hand me down yellow dresser from Adam's parents.

So, nothing too fancy yet. I'm waiting to really get cracking after we find out if we will be having a boy or a girl :) I did purchase some fabric, though. I just couldn't pass up these prints, and I've learned that if you see something you really like at a great price, don't pass it up! I've gone back for fabric before and it's been gone. Here is what I found for a boy:
I absolutely fell in love with the fabric the moment I saw it. Boy stuff totally stumps me, so finding this was a miracle in itself. I don't really like "baby" prints either, which makes it difficult. This has a map background of the mountain area in our state, and where we live is actually on the map! I thought that was so awesome.

Here is the girl fabric:
I love floral anything, so I thought having a girl would be the perfect opportunity to decorate with it. This is a larger print than I normally go for, so I thought it would be nice to pair with the smaller prints I have in mind. I love the colors, too.

And here are just a couple cute little things that make me super happy:
2 little newborn onesies. Picturing a little person in these just melts my heart. The little green door rack is from the dollar bins at Target.
Some "baby" books I've been writing in. The top is just a journal I picked up from Michael's when we lived in North Carolina. I decided to start writing in it whenever we found out we were pregnant. Funny enough, there was a note in this from June of 2012 saying that we were already praying for our baby. I've been writing in it off and on, just telling baby about what were up to and what's going on in the world. I'm hoping to write in this until baby is an adult and will appreciate everything we have written.

The middle green book is another journal I've been writing pregnancy related stuff in. This is mostly for my own keeping. I'm sure it will be fun to look back and read this stuff later!

The bottom book is a baby book I purchased from amazon early on. It's a really cute book that helps you document baby's first year, but there are lots of questions and things to add in during pregnancy, like ultrasound pictures and pictures of you pre-baby.

There is still quite a bit I'd like to do. Here is a checklist:
-paint the ceiling
-get a nice soft rug
-paint the yellow dresser (I like the color but the paint actually comes off when you try to clean it!)
-make a crib skirt & bumper
-make coordinating pillows
-make/buy curtains
-make/buy wall art
-make shelves from old orchard crate
-figure out storage in changing table
-finish cleaning out closet and add in storage

So there we have it! Thanks so much for reading :) If you're into nursery stuff, you should check out the moodboards I made a couple of weeks ago. They've been helping me stay on track.

Hope you all are doing well, talk to you soon!

We will be linking to these parties.


  1. You are way ahead of me! I've never been able to get my nursery finished. It's always just a crib and a changing table. Haha. I look forward to seeing more. :)

    1. Thanks, MrsDupe! I start going a little nuts whenever I have a new room to work with. I don't know what I will do when this is finished and I still have 15 weeks of pregnancy left. Haha :)
