Thursday, October 3, 2013

Thrifty Thursday: Mason Jar Lanterns w/ Dollar Store Materials

It's Thrifty Thursday time! I've been wanting to make these lanterns forever, and finally found the time to make them, though it didn't take any time at all! I was pleasantly surprised how quickly these came together.
To make this project as thrifty as possible, I raided my dollar store supplies. So, I used:
-about a cup of dry pinto beans
-dollar store pumpkin pie votives
-raffia (2 strands per lantern)

I filled the bottom of the jar with the pinto beans, and set the votive inside. I then took each piece of raffia and wrapped it around the jar twice, under the bottom ridge. I double tied the raffia on opposite sides of the jar as tight as possible.
I pulled each piece of raffia up and tied it at the top, like you would tie a balloon. Then I cut off the excess.
The raffia probably won't last very long, but it does the trick in a pinch. I will probably replace it with twine somewhere down the line. The last thing I did was hang them up outside, and I watched them glow in the fading light.
Thank you so much for reading! I hope you all are having an amazing Thursday. What are everyone's plans for the weekend? I'm excited to watch Kayla participate in her obstacle/mud run on Saturday. Maybe I will take my new camera and get some pics for you guys... if Kayla will let me! Hah!

Have a great weekend, and I will be back next Wednesday!

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  1. What a cool idea. Thanks for sharing.

    1. Thank you for stopping by and commenting!

  2. pinto beans! Great idea! love it!!!!!

    1. Thank you! They were the only filler I could find in the house, and worked out really well!

  3. Cute! The pinto beans are a great idea!

    1. Thanks so much! I thought they looked pretty good.

  4. these look amazing. with my luck the candle would burn out the string. i would use wire instead or fake candles. none the less it looks great! totally jealous of your blue jars!
