Tuesday, August 20, 2013

How to Clean Wax Out of Candle Jars

Obviously, Kayla and I are ready for Fall. One of the things I'm planning on doing for decorations this year is filling jars up with fun things like acorns & candy corn. I knew I didn't want to end up buying jars, so I decided to start cleaning out some of my old candle jars. It occurred to me that it might make a helpful post for you all! I've tried several different methods for cleaning wax out of jars, and this by far the easiest I've tried! 

Here are the supplies I used:
- paper towels
- plastic bag
- used candle jars
- pot of boiling water

And here is what I did:
1. I laid out my plastic bag. I used this for dumping the melted wax in- it makes for easy cleanup. 
2. Brought the water to a boil and turned it down to medium heat.
3. Plopped the candle into the boiling water.
4. I let it boil for about a minute, and watched the edges of the wax start to melt. I then poured the melted wax into the plastic bag. A large chunk of unmelted wax should pop out pretty easily. If it doesn't, just keep putting it back in the water until it does.
5. Then I took my paper towels and wiped out the inside of the jar while it was still pretty hot. I used a pot holder to hold the bottom of the jar.
6. I repeated those steps for each of my jars and now I have some more pretty jars to use in my decorating!
I showed how I use old candle jars as Memory Jars, but there are so many other things to do with them! 

Also, here is the video I watched on how to do this method. It was really helpful to watch before I tried this for the first time! 

I hope you guys are having a great week!

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  1. We are such kindred spirits! We just did a post about this too, we like the freezer method.
    Love your site! xoxoxo

  2. Thanks for stopping by! I've used the freezer method before, and liked it! We have a tiny freezer now, so finding room for all those candles doesn't work out so well :)

  3. Have you tried freezing these jars for 24hr? I have done with with several jars before and it is WAY less mess than melting the wax. You can easily chizzel the frozen wax out with a butter knife.

    1. I have, Krista! I usually do that with my tart warmer. This method is good for getting the wax out quick, as it only takes about 10 to 15 minutes :)
      Thanks for the comment!

  4. Love this! I have done the freezer method as people above said too but sometimes it's hard to find room in the ole freezer or I forget about them...oops:)

    1. I'm definitely guilty of leaving things in the freezer for far too long! Thanks for stopping by and for the comment, Julie!

  5. Hi Doll! I'm your newest follower from Blog Hop.
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    1. Thank you so much! We really appreciate that! Have a great day!

  6. That is awesome! I have a few candles that I was about to throw away because there is a little bit of wax left in it, but now I can use the jars for other things!

    ♥, Brittney @ True Vintage Love

    1. Thanks, Brittney! I hope you give it a try!

  7. This is perfect because I have so many candles that I "get sick of" before I use them all up. Now I can replace the candle, but keep the jar!

    1. The same thing happens to me. Hope you get a chance to try the method out. Thanks for the comment and for stopping by!
