Friday, August 16, 2013

Daily Time Block Notepad w/ FREE Printable

Happy Friday! I've been hearing about time blocking lately. Basically, you put your daily to-do list on a timetable- so certain things are done at certain times. I thought this would be an awesome idea for my "cleaning" days. I usually spend 1 day a week cleaning- and it just so happens to be Fridays. I'm one of those cleaners who is all over the place. "Time to clean the bathrooms... Oh, I need to re-stock my toilet paper first! Oh, might as well do the paper towels, too! This closet is a mess!" Anyway, time blocking has definitely helped me get everything done... with time left to spare!
These are usually more detailed! Like "do the dishes/wipe down counters" instead of "clean kitchen."
Here is how I made my notepad:
1. Printed off my free printable 2 to a page. Picked out a scrapbook paper to act as "binding."
2. Cut my pages in half. Cut a piece of thick card stock to size.
3. Used a heavy duty stapler to "bind" the top.
4. Added the scrapbook paper (cut to size) using packing tape. You could also glue it. I know this won't last forever- but that's okay with me. You also can't tear the pages out very well. Meh.

I hope you all have an amazing weekend! Anyone have any big plans?
We will be back to share more fun projects on Tuesday :)
Be sure to check out the parties we link to in our LINK PARTY DIRECTORY


  1. Replies
    1. Thank you! It definitely helps me stay on track :)

  2. Hi Kenzie! I am coming over from Unite!

    You did a lot of work here! And I can see how blocking would really help organize a person. I am just a perennial putterer, so this would help me, although I'd have to promise myself to DO it!

    So nice to meet you today!

    1. Thank you, Ceil! I hope you get a chance to try it out and that it works for you :)

  3. This is so cute! And perfect to put into my purse!

    1. Thanks! I have it in my purse as we speak!

  4. Thanks for sharing your printable and how you manage your time. I have been getting a planner together. I actually made an 8x10 planner with a binder,but thought it was to big to carry around. And today I found the right supplies for a smaller binder. Your printable will fit perfectly in my new planner. Thanks. Will post pictures later in my blog.

    1. Wow, Rosario. That's an awesome idea! I might have to try making my own planner, too. I will have to come check it out :) Thanks for stopping by!

  5. my planner is done! I'm still adding new pages. Making copies of things I want to have handy. I love your printable, its helping me to keep track of my time and to remember things I tend to forget.

    1. That's awesome! I'm so happy that you're using and loving the printable!

  6. Try "painting" the end of the pad (including the cardboard back page) with rubber cement instead of stapling...let it dry and it should be just like the notepads you find in the store. I've seen this done but have never tried it myself...haven't made it that far down the to do list I guess ;)

    1. That is an AWESOME suggestion. I will be trying that once this pad is all out of pages :) Thank you!
