Saturday, February 21, 2015

Simon's 9 Month Update

Will he seriously be one in three months? That is so hard for me to believe! I forgot to do his 7 and 8 month update post on here, so quite a bit has changed since his last update post, which you can see HERE. He is 9 months old today (the 21st) Simon has been doing pretty well overall. I think I will break this down into categories so its easier for me to write everything down, and easier for you all to read! He doesn't have his 9 month dr visit until march 13th ( I don't know why it's scheduled for so far after). Anyway, I don't have any updated weight or height stats. 
Sleeping/Naps: Simon has been pretty consistent with sleeping through the night, which has been amazing! He started this at about 8 months old. He has recently been going to bed about 8:45-9:00pm (right after a breasfeeding session). He will then typically sleep until at least 530, but usually between 630 and 730. If it is closer to 630 he most likely falls back asleep until 8.
During the day he is still taking two naps, a shorter one in the morning and longer one in the afternoon. Although, if we are out and about all morning he usually just takes one long nap around noon.
Eating/Breastfeeding: Simon is such an eater! He is breastfeeding during the day every 3-4 hours. He also usually has some fruit for breakfast and eats lunch and dinner with us, too. He FINALLY started liking baby food, but mostly just eats what we're eating if I can mush it up for him. Lately he has been loving oatmeal! I think he would snack all day, if I let him!
Milestones: Simon started officially crawling at 7 months. We've had to bust out the baby gates! The beginning of January (7 1/2 months old) he says both mama and dada. The day he turned 8 months he was pulling himself up to stand next to things while holding one. He has also started walking along the couch (while holding on). Also right around 8 months Simon started clapping!
Simon has two bottom teeth! These popped through at about 8.5 months.
He had his first overnighter with Grandma Debbie. Daniel and I had our anniversary February 11th and my parents came to town to watch this kids for us! I was a little nervous about this because Simon wasnt taking a bottle at all and I didn't have any breastmilk pumped, BUT my mom and dad made it work and got him to take a bottle with formula. Which is nice to know he will take that if I'm not around. He is wearing pretty much all 9-12month/12month clothing. 
We are super excited and waiting the arrival of my sister's baby Kyler, who is due any day now! Him and Simon will only be 9 months apart so I can't wait for them to grow up together! I hope you all have an awesome weekend :)

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