Friday, April 26, 2013

Fix it up Friday: Hub of Operations

I don't know about you, but our house always seems to have papers floating around. Some on the desk, on the coffee table, kitchen counter or table. I was tired of my husband coming home and asking where things were. So, I decided we needed a central location where we could keep all of those little things that seem to walk off on their own. Introducing our Hub of Operations!
Our kitchen/dining room seems to be the place we come first after entering our front door, making it the perfect location for my new hub (not meaning husband, just so we're clear). As a bonus, there was this little bit of wall that just "needed" something.
We were lucky enough to score a hand-me-down dresser from Adam's parents. It was passed down from Adam's great grandmother. It is yellow and chippy and oh so cheerful.
I decided to add a basket as a "catch all" for mail and loose papers. Once a week, I go through the stack and discard or file anything that needs to be moved out. I also added a jar for pens and notepad for quick note taking.
I haven't completely filled all the drawers yet, but have filled one of the smaller drawers with all the little things that seem to lose themselves. I had some old pickle jars that I used to hold pens, etc, that fit perfectly. Now everything we need is on or in this wonderfully happy dresser, instead of strewn about our home or taking up priceless kitchen drawer space.
I hope you enjoyed this quick little update to our kitchen. Having things organized helps life remain simple, and keeps anxieties at bay. If you have a problem with floating mail or papers, I definitely suggest creating a space for keeping them. Now, when hubby can't seem to find something, I can just tell him to look in the basket! 

Hope you are having a beautiful day!

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