Saturday, February 14, 2015

Our little Valentine's Day Photoshoot

What better occasion to get the kids extra cute and dressed up for than Valentine's day? I decided to get creative and find some outfits for the kids and do a little Valentine's Day photoshoot. On Sunday, Daniel and I went to a nearby park with the kids to take pictures and go on a little family walk. It was nice to get outta the house and walk around a bit. Here are some of the pictures I took...
Suspenders,Bowtie,and Moccasins | Gray Pants (Target) | Plaid Shirt and Red Dress (Goodwill)
 I had so much fun with this shoot, these two made it SO easy, and we all had a good time! I hope you all have a great Valentine's day with the ones you love!

1 comment:

  1. I came here looking at an older post and saw these pictures. Sooooo adorable. God bless your family. Too cute!!
