Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Simon's 5 Month Update

Good Evening! Today my sweet Simon is 5 months old. He continues to grow, if fact, he is getting to be quite the little chubster, and I love it. I don't have any new stats, until his 6 month doctor appointment. I will just have to update you on how he is doing and whats new. As far as breastfeeding he is doing fantastic, things couldn't be better. He has been pretty flexible with eating if he need's to be. However, most often he eats every 3 hours during the day and is only eating once during the night. I have tried to feed him some baby food (applesauce) with rice cereal and he does okay. He's not quite sure about it all just yet, which is totally fine. We will just keep trying to introduce him baby food once a day until he gets the hang of things. I am not in any rush, so I am not too worried about it.
Sleeping has been great, too. He is pretty regularly taking 3 naps a day. A morning nap, long afternoon nap, and a shorter evening nap. He usually falls asleep around 8:45pm and I feed him at 10:00pm (he usually stays asleep) and he will sleep until 4 or 4:30am, fall back asleep until 8am. It has been working really well for us, and I love getting set-up into some sort of routine. 
The Adeline/Simon brother-sister duo is so much fun. They are starting to interact more and Adeline continues to be such a helpful big sister. She will walk up to him if he is fussing and attempt to say, "was wong" (what's wrong) and try to give him his blanket, binky, or a toy.
-As you can see, Simon is on his way to sitting up. He can only sit up for about as long as it took me to take these pictures, and he was leaning against the wall, but a huge milestone nonetheless. 
-Started with baby food (applesauce baby food with rice cereal) he does okay.
-Still only rolling from back to tummy, not the other way around yet.
-He is wearing some 3-6 month clothing, but 6 month clothes are fitting him perfect. He is also fitting into most 9 month clothes as well, which is crazy to me, I remember Addie fitting into 3 month clothing until she was 9 months old. Lol.
Well, that is all I have for now. Have a great rest of the week! Before I go, if YOU do monthly updates for YOUR little one, I would love to check them out. Comment below! :)

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