Thursday, September 11, 2014

Benjamin's 2 Month Update

Hey all! I can't believe it has been 2 months since we welcomed our baby boy into this world. Time has flown by, and we are just so in love with being parents to our sweet Ben. We had his 2 month check-up today and he is now 13 pounds 8 ounces and 24 inches long! Big boy. He was in the 75th percentile for weight, 85th for height, and 99th (!!!) for head.
He has been smiling up a storm for several weeks, and talks to himself and us constantly. I just love all the little baby cooing! He is such a happy baby. Thankfully, we seem to have passed the "crying for no apparent reason" stage and now we can calm him fairly quickly whenever he gets upset. He took his first "road trip" last weekend, and he did awesome! We drove for about 3 hours to help my sister and niece move, and I couldn't have asked for a better behaved 2 month old. He always seems to surprise me when we are out and about. I'm so scared we will have a meltdown, but he's so content the whole time.
He loves being on his activity gym/play mat. He could lay there for an hour completely happy. He also enjoys laying in his crib watching his mobile. We've gotten good use out of our baby swing and Boppy Baby Lounger, too. He loves going on walks through the orchard, either in his carrier, moby, or just being held. Daddy likes taking him around and showing him the apples and the horses. Or we will walk to visit Grandma & Grandpa!
He has been a great sleeper ever since we brought him home from the hospital. He has always given me at least a 4 hour stretch at night, and now will sleep for 6-7 hours during the night before he wakes up to eat, and then falls right back asleep. I'm am so thankful he has done so well. Our nighttime routine consists of an hour or so of "chill out" time at home, a bath (every other day),  lotions, jammies, feeding, lullabies, and a loose swaddle in a muslin blanket. He's still sleeping in his Sleep & Play in our bedroom.
Breastfeeding has been going really well. We've transitioned from eating every 2 hours to every 3, and boy what a difference that hour makes! So far we haven't needed to supplement at all, and I hope that trend continues. I never thought breastfeeding would be such an amazing experience, but it truly is. I'm beyond grateful that I'm able to stay home to feed our little man throughout the day.
The only thing we have struggled with is Ben's sensitive skin. We had to stop using all Aveeno products, as they made his whole body break out. He has also developed baby eczema. He has patches on his cheeks, arms, and back of legs. I switched to California Baby wash & lotion and that has really seemed to help. Also, the doctor recommended hydrocortisone and either Cere Ve or Eucerin Creme. I picked up the hydrocortisone and Eucerin today, hopefully that will clear everything up.
It has been such a blessing to be parents. Especially to such a sweet and happy baby. We love you, Benjamin!

Have a great evening & thanks so much for reading!

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