Wednesday, June 25, 2014

WWEW: Link Party & Kentucky Hot Brown Sliders!

Time for another link party & delicious recipe! I didn't get too creative this week for my recipe, I just followed a recipe I found on pinterest that looked especially tasty! Let's just say... this recipe is one for the books, people! And I even left out (accidentally) one of the main ingredients!
I followed a recipe from The Seasoned Mom for Kentucky Hot Brown Sliders. For ingredients and such, go check it out on her blog. Basically, it's an ooey gooey cheesy mini turkey/bacon sandwich with pimentos (I actually used a mix of pimentos and green olives). So, so delicious and would be perfect for a party or get together. I paired it with some pan fried yams, mainly because that's what we had!

For this week's feature recipe, I chose Canning Rhubarb from Little House Living! I have a whole bunch of cherries I want to can, so I've got canning on the mind. I'd love to have some canned rhubarb for desserts and such during the winter! Thanks for submitting this helpful post!
Now onto the Link Party. Link up your recipes from the week, don't be shy! Link up a few if you'd like. Also, check out our co-host Alexis over at Laugh, Eat, Learn!

1 comment:

  1. Happy to have found this link up! Thank you :) and your blog is just too cute! I have always wanted to visit Washington.
