Tuesday, March 25, 2014

DIY: Personalized Wood Blocks (for Nursery!)

Good Morning, everyone. Another week has begun. I'm 26 weeks along now, and I'm beginning to feel my third trimester sneaking up on me. I've been so tired, and having lots of growing pains. I wish that second trimester energy would have lasted a wee bit longer! Thankfully, I've gotten several of my nursery projects done. I still have a few more, but it's nice to have quite a bit finished already.

Another project I completed for the nursery are some wood blocks that I decided to decorate and put our baby boy's name on. We haven't officially announced the name yet, so I'm only showing a random letter :)
This was actually a really fun project! I loved picking out the scrapbook paper, so many to choose from.

Here are the supplies that I used:
- woodblocks, found at Michael's for around $1 a piece
- acrylic paint, mixed to different shades of green
- scrapbook paper, I used 5 different patterns
- map letter stickers, found at JoAnn's
- matte Mod Podge
- a couple of paint brushes
- a couple of paper plates

And here is how I did it:
1. Painted the edges of my blocks where I knew the paper wouldn't cover. Let them dry.
2. Figured out how many squares of scrapbook paper I would need. Basically need 6 squares for each block. Cut out the squares. Decided on placement of squares.
3. Put my sticker letters onto the squares I wanted facing forward on each of the blocks.
4. Mod podged the squares down to the block, and followed up with another layer over the entire block. Let them dry.
I know these are pretty self explanatory, but the process I used worked out well for me. I think these would be so cute as a gift for a baby shower! Actually, I'm already thinking about making more of them for some of my friends. I love that you can make them look so different with what patterns you choose.

I hope you all have a great rest of the day, and I will be back again on Thursday!

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