Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Kayla: Gender Reveal: It's a.....

Hey guys, Kayla here. I was going to wait until Friday to post this, but I was just too anxious and excited to tell you all. We had our ultrasound appointment on Monday afternoon. The doctor said the baby looks healthy and the measurement match up with the due date they had already set (which is May 17th). It is always fun to see the baby in action. And oh my word, talk about action. This little one wouldn't sit still, turning and flipping, and putting it's foot up by it's head! I hadn't even had any caffeine. Anyway, back to what you're all here for! ;) 
We're having a.....
Gender Reveal Ideas
And the aftermath of the above pictures, was THIS....
Yep, that's right, a mini Daniel! We're so thrilled to be having a little boy, and a brother for little Adeline. Of course, we would have been just excited if it were a girl, but it is definitely fun to experience having both a girl and a boy. We've talked about names and I think we've got it narrowed down, but we aren't going to share it quite yet.
We we're excited to tell our family - we had our family come over that lives on the orchard, Monday night, so we could tell them the news! I decided to do the classic color filled cupcake. They got here and I had the cupcakes all set up...
Gender Reveal
I told them we had to eat our dessert before dinner, if they wanted to find out! :) So we all took a cupcake and bit into them at the same time. 
Gender Reveal
They were of course just as excited as we were. It was a lot of fun. We did end up eating dinner (which I will be posting that recipe on Friday (instead of today). I was just too anxious to let you guys know about our little boy! I hope you guys enjoy the rest of your week :)
Linking up at these fun parties HERE!


  1. Yay!! I'm so excited you are having a boy! I hope I have a boy AND a girl too!! :) Miss you, K!! I was just telling Linds we need to plan a trip out there!

    - Alexis
    Laugh, Eat & Learn

    1. Thanks, Alexis! I miss you guys too. You all should definitely take a trip over here soon :)

  2. Thats so exciting Kayla congrats boys are so much fun :)

  3. Congratulations! Super cute idea! Love it! Thanks for sharing at the Ducks 'n a Row Blog Hop! Can't wait to see what you link up next week. I also invite you to Grow Your Google+ Circles tomorrow.

  4. Congratulations!! I was in suspense looking at the black and white pics :) How exciting!!!!!

    1. Thank you! It was a lot of fun taking the pictures, too! I saw this idea on pinterest and instantly LOVED it! :)
