Thursday, July 4, 2013

Liebster Award! Whaaat?!

Wow. We were nominated for a Liebster Award by the lovely Alyssa over at Oh Sew Crafty Life! We can hardly believe it. We still can't believe that people actually READ our blog... I mean, besides our mother-in-law!
To be honest, I don't think either of us knew what a Liebster Award was, but it's an awesome way to find new blogs that have less than 200 followers-- and to show them some love!

Here are the Rules of The Liebster Award:
1. Link back to the nominating blog.
2. Answer the questions given by the nominator.
3. Give 11 random facts about yourself.
4. Nominate 5-11 other blogs with fewer than 200 followers.
5. Ask the nominees 11 new questions.
6. Contact the nominees to congratulate them and let them know they were nominated.

Here are the questions that we were given to answer from Alyssa:
1. What color nail polish do you have on?
Kenzie: None on my fingers, unless you count spray paint as nail polish! Bubble Bath by OPI on my toes.
Kayla: A little leftover sparkly pink.
2. Pizza: Pepperoni, cheese, or what?
Kenzie: Hawaiian!
Kayla: Chicken Alfredo Pizza, is da bomb!
3. What is your favorite holiday?
Kenzie: Christmas, for sure. But, I also love Thanksgiving!
Kayla: Thanksgiving, for sure.
4. What craft supply could you not live without?
Kenzie: My acrylic paints.
Kayla: Paint, I love adding a splash of color to things.
5. How many siblings do you have?
Kenzie: 1 older sister, we're 11 years apart! Plus, 2 sister-in-laws, and 3 brother-in-laws.
Kayla: 5, I am the 3rd born of 6! 4 Girls and 2 Boys
6. Where in the world would you NOT want to travel?
Kenzie: I'm pretty much down with going anywhere, some places only under different governmental circumstances, though!
Kayla: The only place I can think of is the desert, like pokey cactus no water in sight, kind of desert. Other than that I LOVE to travel.
7. Do you have a sweet tooth? What is your favorite dessert?
Kenzie: YES! Cheeeeeesecaaaaake!
Kayla: More like sweet "teeth". I love icecream, in fact I just finished a bowl of chocolate peanut butter cup.
8. How many pairs of shoes do you own?
Kenzie: Too many to count... seriously!
Kayla: Oh dear, a lot, i haven't counted...but I need to go through them and get rid of some.
9. Tap water or bottled? Ice cold or room temperature?
Kenzie: Tap. We have yummy well water. Cold, but not too cold!
Kayla: Tap or bottled, but definitely ice cold.
10. If you were on a deserted island, what 3 things would you want to have with you?
Kenzie: I don't think I can bring people, can I? If not, then a Bible, a knife, and endless chips and salsa? Lol.
Kayla: Bible, internet, and food - lots of food ;)

And, here are our 11 random facts:
1. Kenzie: I wore rainbow suspenders as a child and carried around a peewee herman doll. Explains alot.
Kayla: I got married to my husband (Kenzie's husband's brother) after dating for only 8 months.
2. Kenzie: I have a BA Degree in Community Services (so does Kayla!), and will start a MSW program next summer.
Kayla: I've lived in two different states (Michigan and Washington - 8 different houses)
3. Kenzie: My life goal has always been to help people.
Kayla: When I was 10, I went to Brazil on a missions trip with my church.
4. Kenzie: I play the guitar & violin.
Kayla: I broke both of my wrists, at the same time, running backwards on the last day basketball tryouts. I still made the team! Not that I could even play. Lol.
5. Kenzie: I'm painfully shy and introverted, but most people never know. It drives my husband a little nuts, since he is very outgoing and gregarious.
Kayla: I've been known to sleep walk, and talk from time to time. So I've been told.
6. Kenzie: I'm a huge Lord of the Rings fan.
Kayla: I live in an underground house.
7. Kenzie: 80% of the time, I prefer rain to sunshine.
Kayla: Crab is one of my most favorite things to eat, but my husband is allergic to shellfish so I rarely eat it.
8. Kenzie: I love to read. Urban fantasy is my favorite genre.
Kayla: I've driven a 15 passenger van before.
9. Kenzie: We used to live in coastal North Carolina, and I would love to live there again if it weren't so far away from our families.
Kayla: My nickname when I was a toddler was Pebbles (from the flintstone's)
10. Kenzie: I love being a military wife, and think the adversity makes us a much stronger couple.
Kayla: While I was in college I would often buy new clothes, instead of groceries.
11. Kenzie: I secretly let our chocolate labrador jump in bed with me in the morning after hubby leaves for work. She won't jump in until he girl.
Kayla: I went to a private Christian School, Kindergarten-7th Grade.

Here are the blogs that we nominate for The Liebster Award!
1. Julie from It Freezes Beautifully
2. Callie from Callie's Crafts
3. Therena from A little bit of Paint
4. Alyssa from At Home with Avery
5. Helle from A Spoonful of Crafts

And, here are our questions for our nominees!
1. What is/are your favorite color(s) to decorate with?
2. If you could go back in time and tell your younger self ONE thing, what would it be?
3. Coke or Pepsi?
4. Do you subscribe to any magazines? Which ones?
5. On average, how much time do you spend on your computer in a day?
6. Are you currently reading a book? Which one?
7. Where did you go on your longest road trip?
8. As a kid, what did you want to be when your "grew" up?
9. What is your best habit?
10. What is one item you ALWAYS have with you?
11. What is the last thing you do before you go to bed?

Again, thank you so much, Alyssa, for your nomination! We truly appreciate it. :) Congrats to our nominees and we so look forward to checking out your answers to our questions and your 11 random facts!

Sending our love to blog world,
Kayla & Kenzie


  1. Congrats again and thanks for sharing! :)

    Alyssa @

  2. Hi there!

    You've really made my day! I'm so happy for you, too, so have a lovely weekend!



  3. Congrats on the award! Its nice when your blog is recognized, is it not? New follower via the weekend blog hop. Hope you have a wonderful fun filled weekend.

  4. Helle, you are so welcome. It sure is a good feeling to be recognized for all the hard work you've put into your blog :)
    Melissa, it definitely is nice! Thank you for stopping by.

  5. Congrats on the award, thanks for linking up to welcome to the weekend blog hop :)
