Friday, June 7, 2013

Personalize a Pillow Using Stencils

Hey all! Happy Friday! Another week has gone by, and I'm seriously ready for the weekend. We like to spend a lot of time outside on our back porch, and you bet I'll be lounging there in the coming days. I've been wanting to get some cute outdoor pillows to make things more comfortable, but everything I liked was too expensive! Just last week I was doing my daily peruse of Joss and Main, and came across some super adorable pillows with southern sayings on them. The one I liked was around 50 dollars! Heck no! I decided to make my own.
Here is what you'll need if you'd like to make your own:
-pillow, preferably an outdoor pillow (found mine at JoAnne's for 8 dollars!)
-1 or 2 quilting quarters
-fabric glue
-exacto knife & cutting board
-scotchguard for fabric

1. If using regular stencils, trace your letters onto your fabric. Use your exacto knife to cut the traced letters out of the fabric. If using cheapo "stencils" like me (printed off your computer), just place the paper over your fabric. Cut through the paper and fabric together.
2. Arrange your letters on the pillow. Get your placement down. Use a ruler to make sure things are straight.
3. Start gluing! Glue until you can glue no more!
4. Once all of your letters are glued on and dry, spray your pillow down with scotchguard. Wait and do a second coat. It is water resistant and will help your pillow last outside!
You're done. Super easy. You could paint the letters on, too!
I hope all of you have a lovely weekend, and that you get to enjoy some time outside! It has been pretty hot here, so I'm looking forward to soaking up some sunshine & drinking some sweet iced tea. :)

Many thanks to our beautiful readers!
Be sure to check out the lovely linky's we link to here


  1. Love it!! Can I borrow your quote? Thanks for sharing and inspiring!
    His blessings,
    Kim @ Curtain Queen

  2. Hi Kim,
    Of course you can use the quote! I "borrowed" it from a Joss and Main pillow that I saw. :) Thank you for stopping by and have a lovely week!
