Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Our New Ikea Ektorp Sectional

Hey everyone! I'm so excited to share today's post! After several years of living with an uncomfortable set of couches, we finally caved and bought a new sofa. We ended up deciding on the 2x2 Ektorp Sectional from Ikea.

Before buying our new couch, we had to get rid of the old ones. I placed an ad on Craig's List around noon last Friday and those babies were gone by 7pm. I think it may have been because they were priced well, and they still looked amazing though they never felt amazing. Seriously, forget napping on the couch... you'd slide right off. Anyway, we knew we wanted to replace it with something comfortable to nap and snuggle on, that looked nice, and didn't break the bank. Welcome, the Ektorp Sectional.

We were a little nervous about the purchase because we were scared we would put it together incorrectly. I mean, there is always that possibility with Ikea furniture, but it seemed even more so with this large piece. It ended up being a breeze to assemble. It took us about an hour, and we didn't hit any problems. We decided to film the process, and then time lapse it for your enjoyment.

As for how we like it, well, we don't. We LOVE it! Obviously, we haven't had it very long and we're interested to see how well this 1,000 dollar sectional holds up. We will definitely keep you updated! Until then, enjoy the video!

Have a great Tuesday,

Check out the parties we link to HERE!


  1. FUN! I love your hear tee too :) IKEA rocks and your couch looks awesome!

  2. great job! Looks awsome!

  3. Seriously, my daughter has that same sectional purchased at Ikea and they love it too! I love it! My favorite place to sit is right in the corner! Stopped by from Assets and Efforts linky party to say howdy and was so surprised to see one of my favorite sofas! I wish my cottage living room was big enough to have one.

  4. Thanks, Jamie, Tori, and Jeanne! The shirt was actually given to me by Kayla. :) And we also like the corner seat the best! We have been fighting over who gets to sit there during movie time!. Haha. I'm kindof sad that we didn't consider this couch sooner, since it was affordable enough that we could have purchased it awhile ago.

    Thanks for stopping by!

  5. It's always great to get new furniture. Thanks for coming by and partying with us. I hope that we'll see you again next week.

    Robin @ Fluster Buster

  6. Hi! We're considering buying one of these this week and I wondered if you still loved it a year later. Please let me know!

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Hi, Beth! I would say go for it! We still love our sectional. There is a obviously a bit of wear to it, but nothing you wouldn't expect after a year... I think it's actually more comfortable now than it was when we bought it. The slipcover is holding up extremely well. I was worried about having to dry clean it often, but we haven't had to yet. I just spot clean and vacuum. We still regularly comment that we are so happy that we went ahead and bought this couch. Good luck! -Kenzie
