Tuesday, June 11, 2013

DIY: Burlap Wreath for Every Season!

Happy Tuesday, everyone! I've been wanting to find a cute wreath to hang on our front door for ages. I get tired of finding one I like for a certain season or holiday, and then having to find a new one just as quickly as I put the last one up! I decided to just make my own wreath that can be switched up whenever I like! I decided to make an easy burlap wreath with 2 different appliques... for now.
This was actually a pretty cheap project, too! Here is a breakdown of the supplies I used:
1. Some kind of wreath "shape" to wrap your burlap around. I used a grapevine wreath from the dollar store!
2. Burlap! I found my roll at Walmart for about 5 dollars. I ended up using about 3/4 the roll to "beef" up the wreath.
3. Whatever you want for your appliques. I used 2 flower stems from the dollar store, some 50% off ribbon, and a small wooden sign from JoAnnes.
4. Some clips to attach your appliques to the wreath.
5. Something to hang your wreath with.
5. Hot glue gun.

Here's what I did:
1. Wrap your wreath with the burlap.
2. Make your appliques. For a backing on one of them, I just used a small piece of burlap to push the bottoms of my flowers through. I was able to hot glue them pretty easily in place. Attach your clip to the back.
Here are some close ups of my spring/summer design and my 4th of July design:
3. Add your ribbon or whatever you're using to hang your wreath. Hang it up, and enjoy!

I'm so excited to have a wreath on my door again. The last one we had was for Christmas! It was feeling a little naked. I'm already planning all the little designs I'm going to make for each holiday! Maybe I will do quick little updates on "what's hanging on my door," whenever I change it out.

I hope you all are having a great week so far. Thank you so much for reading and for interacting with us. We feel so blessed to be able to post about little projects like this that excite us, and that people actually like them! 

Have a beautiful Tuesday,
Check out the linky parties we link to HERE!


  1. Cute idea! I love that you can just switch out the flowers/4th of July/etc. stuff so easily. I may totally have to steal this:)

    Julie @ it freezesbeautifully.blogspot.com

  2. Hi Julie! Thanks for stopping by! Feel free to steal the idea :) I hope you have fun making it.
