Friday, May 3, 2013

Fix it up Friday: Bathroom Face Lift--Dollar Store Edition

We've lived in our house for a little over a year and I have still yet to do anything with our guest bathroom. Probably because I never go in there. I think I have only taken a shower in there once or twice, because it is just more convenient to use the master bath. Anyway, when I was cleaning it the other day while preparing for some family guests, I thought, wow...what a boring bathroom! Needless to say, this will be my project for today's Fix it up Friday! 
Above is a before picture of our guest bathroom. Pretty boring, nothing special or fun.

 Here is an after shot! Cool signs, a lot of color, and way more fun!

Kenzie and I decided to hit up the local dollar store. For one, the dollar store is awesome, and for two i'm a girl on a budget. Well, at least my husband would sure like me to be. I thought it would be a lot easier for others to be inspired by a budget friendly bathroom update anyway. To start this bathroom redo, I wanted to find some wall artwork. Now, I didn't want to spend much, if any on this part. So I google'd "free bathroom printables" and what do ya know, tons popped up. 
The "owl always love you" printable can be found here.
To print the above bathroom printable set Click Here!

 This printable can be found here

Once I had the printables it was a lot easier to shop for little matching accents at the dollar store. I tallied up how many and which size frames I needed ($7.00). Other items I picked up were those two white "fresh linen" candles ($2.00). Two sets of yellow flowers ($2.00). Two yellow hand towels ($2.00). A set of three green baskets ($1.00). And a few more baskets for in the closet for organization ($3.00). This project was a lot of fun, and a super cheap bathroom "face lift" for under $20.00!
I hope you enjoyed this fun Fix it up Friday Bathroom redo! If you're feeling inspired, let us know and show us what YOU come up with. Have fun! :)

I hope you have a wonderful weekend,


  1. This is cute! I am a new follower from southern charm! I would love for you to check out my blog , and follow me back Nicole!

  2. Nicole, consider it done. Thank you for taking the time to check out our blog! :)

  3. oh i love dollar store and look how awesome your bathroom is now!! i think i'm going to search free bathroom printables to get those wall arts.

    stopping by through fluster buster, i have a blog hop going on, come and link when you get the chance!


  4. Rea, thanks for stopping by and for your kind words. We will defintely come check out your blog hop, thanks for sharing!


  5. Hi! Found you on New Nostalgia link up party. Love the after! Loves great. Gotta love the Dollar Store! One of my fav places to shop when I am in a shopping mood and now I can't really afford to spend more then like $10 or $20, but want to come home with lots of things. Now following you on FB.
    ~Jackie @ The Non-Martha Momma

  6. Jacquelyn, I know exactly what you mean! Thank you for the support, we greatly appreciate it. have a wonderful day :)

  7. What color gray is used on your walls? Love it!

  8. Hi, Stephanie..sorry this took a few days. I had to dig around in our "junk drawer" to find the paint sample! :) The gray is:
    PPG 517-5 Phoenix Fossil

    We LOVE this color. We ended up doing all our bedrooms and bathrooms this color and our living room is a PPG color as well the shade lighter "Gray Stone".
