Monday, May 27, 2013

DIY: Baby Sensory Bag

Look, Touch, Feel...Baby Sensory Exploration!
I wanted to create a fun sensory experience for Addie. She is at the age where she is exploring like crazy. She wants to grab, touch, rub, pull, and taste EVERYTHING in sight! Sensory contributes in crucial ways, to brain development. Stimulating the senses sends signals to children’s brains that help to strengthen neural pathways, important for all types of learning. You can never start too early. Anyway, I didn't want to buy a large, expensive toy, but wanted to make an inexpensive sensory item. This fun activity isn't just for babies. I think it would be appropriate for kids of all ages. 
This is what I came up with
Baby Sensory Bag
Items Needed:
1. Plastic Freezer Bag
2. Colorful Hair Gel
3. Random (non-sharp) colorful items
I used: sparkly numbers, pompoms, small erasers, beads, sticky octopus, flamingo balls
(All the items I used I got from the dollar store!!)
4. Duct Tape
Okay, first, take your plastic bag and fill with with the hair gel. I found this (already) green gel at target for $1.30. I ended up using the entire bottle and it was just enough. Then you're going to fill the bag with all your fun objects!
Once you've filled up the bag and spread it all out a bit (push out as much air as you can) secure it shut. Now take your duct tape and double it up on all edges. You'll end up with something like pictured below...
DIY: Baby Sensory Bag
I also frayed the edges of the duct tape just to add a little something! I was so excited for Addie to play with it! I made this while she was taking her morning nap, and it only took about 15 minutes to make. Now I was just waiting for her to wake up! 
 Okay, fast forward 45 minutes.....
DIY: Baby Sensory Bag
The first picture was the first one I took the second after I handed it to her! Yay, she loved it! :)
She wasn't quite sure what to do with it, but she started feeling around and exploring the bag. Surprisingly, it took her a few minutes before she tried to shove it in her mouth. She especially enjoyed looking at it when I held it up in the sunlight.
DIY: Baby Sensory Bag
**Only allow baby to use the "sensory bag" with adult supervision**

This was a fun, and easy DIY. Feel free to let us know what you think! Also, make sure you "follow" us so you can be notified of our daily (Mon-Fri) posts! Thanks again for all of your support and words of encouragement! We hope you have a wonderful Memorial Day. Thank you so much to all those who bravely serve our great country. We continue to keep you in our prayers.
Be sure to check out the parties we've linked to HERE!
Rain on a Tin Roof "Give me the goods Monday"--HERE!


  1. This is awesome! I would have loved to have one of these when my kiddo was a little smaller! Great idea! Would love it if you would link this up to Give Me The Goods Monday: 1 Party, 4 Blogs!
    Jenna @ Rain on a Tin Roof

  2. Thank you for the lovely comment! I just linked it up! Thank you for the invite, what a fun idea of four blogs one partay! We'll be linking up every Monday! Have a wonderful week! :)
