Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Small Business Monthly Feature: Positively Oakes + SALE!!

I can't believe Thanksgiving is tomorrow! I decided to post our December small business feature a week early, so you don't miss out on their amazing sales this week. If you have a small business and would like to be featured you can CLICK HERE for more information, we would love to work with you! This month we are featuring a fun shop called Positively Oakes. Positively Oakes was created in order for kids to be comfortable but fashionable. They have the mindset that clothes should be functional and comfy for your little ones, but also fun! Which is great, because I think that is what every parent wants. They are having some great sales this week too, which is why I decided to post this feature a week early, so you don't miss out! You're welcome :)
Small Business Monthly Feature on Orchard Girls Blog - Positively Oakes + SALE!!!!

Adeline wearing their Yellow Slouchy Beanie c/o Positively Oakes

The founder of Positvely Oakes is Jessica, who has a passion for fashion, sewing and growing this awesome brand. Positively Oakes is based in Idaho, but is widely known and has been featured on many blogs and a few magazines. 
Small Business Monthly Feature on Orchard Girls Blog - Positively Oakes + SALE!!!!
 Simon wearing the Winterized Knotted Beanie c/o Positively Oakes (COMING SOON to their winter collection)
We received two products, the yellow slouchy beanie and the knotted beanie pictured above. We love them! Addie loves wearing this hat, which is rare, so that is great! Simon loved his little hat as well. Not to mention they are so adorable!!
Small Business Monthly Feature on Orchard Girls Blog - Positively Oakes + SALE!!!!Small Business Monthly Feature on Orchard Girls Blog - Positively Oakes + SALE!!!!
Positvely Oakes features a variety of products including: tees, onesies, leggings, hats, headbands, and more! And they currently have the most adorable holiday collection, as well. One of my favorites is this "Don't worry my Dad has a beard" tee. Which would be perfect for Addie or Simon! :)
Small Business Monthly Feature on Orchard Girls Blog - Positively Oakes + SALE!!!!
Be sure to check out this amazing shop - and find something or five things, for your little one!! Today's SALE -- All their tees are on sale for $14, one even marked down to $10!! Go check out the selection! Comment below if you find something that you end up purchasing or something that you would want to purchase! I'd love to hear about it.

Thursday, November 20, 2014

All Things Thanksgiving Round-up

Hi everyone! I hope you all enjoying fall/winter season! It has been feeling more like winter here. This morning there are freezing temps, and icy roads. However, Thanksgiving is only one week away, and I can't wait! Thanksgiving is my favorite Holiday! Family, friends, FOOD, and shopping, are all among my favorite things. We will be having Thanksgiving with my family this year, so I don't have to worry about to much, as far as getting ready, but I know a lot of you do. Here is a round-up of all things Thanksgiving. From free printables to mouth-watering recipes, we've got you covered!
Free Thanksgiving Utensil Holder Printable by Craftaholics Anonymous
Mini Pumpkin Pies by Home is Where the Boat Is
Apple Pie Punch by The Cookie Rookie
Thanksgiving Minute to Win It Games for the whole family by U Create
Thanksgiving Day Menu Plan FREE Printable by Orchard Girls
DIY Thanksgiving Sign by Lil Mrs. Tori
Thanksgiving Candy Turkey Bark by Just  A Taste
DIY Leaf Garland by Happiness is Homemade
That's all for now, I hope these give a few fun ideas for the Thanksgiving Holiday! Have a wonderful rest of the week :)

Friday, November 14, 2014

Benjamin's 4 Month Update

Another month has passed and our little man is now 4 months old!
At his checkup yesterday, he weighed 15lbs 7.5oz and is 25.5 inches tall. We've definitely noticed him filling out more! His little dimples are more prominent and I just want to squish his chunky thighs! He went down to 50th percentile for height and weight, and is still at 99 percentile for his big ol' noggin.
I feel like he's been gaining a lot more skills recently. He rolled from his back to his tummy, but doesn't do much rolling anymore. I guess he's moved on to bigger and better things! We bought him a bouncer, and he loves it! It has given him much stronger legs and he holds himself up very well. I believe it's really helped with his head control too. He has also started sitting in his high chair during dinner. It's nice to start our family dinners together!
He's been practicing talking, making tons of new sounds. It's adorable to hear him talking to himself. He likes to hear himself squeal and blow little bubbles. He's also been grabbing more toys and playing with them. Most of them end up in his mouth, but he also likes to hold them in front of his face and talk to them. He's been interacting a bit more with the dogs, as well! He laughs when they walk by or stop to give him kisses.
As for sleep, his schedule has changed a bit. He doesn't sleep quite as long of stretches anymore (boo). But still only wakes up once in the night, then again around 6, and falls back asleep until 10 or so. He still sleeps in his Rock & Play, but moves up into bed with me sometime after Daddy gets out of bed. He usually will sleep a couple more hours there! He's been taking 3 naps a day. One around noon, one in late afternoon, and again around 7pm. His first and last nap are pretty short, around 30-40 min. His nap in the late afternoon is usually longer, sometimes 2-3 hours. 
Ben's still nursing, and everything is going well. He still eats every 3 hours, but I can see that he will be moving closer to every 4 hours pretty soon. We'll also start introducing rice cereal! I'm really excited to start giving him some solids!
I started putting Ben in cloth diapers during the day. I'm excited to start this adventure! He seemed to enjoy his first diaper very much, because he decided to take a poo in it (and he's only been going once or twice a week!). I won't be cloth diapering exclusively, only while we're home. I'll use disposables when we're out and about, and also at night time. 
Unfortunately, Ben has gotten his first cold. :( It's so so sad. I hate hearing his little cough, and him struggling to breathe through his nose. Thankfully, due to the breastmilk, I think Ben doesn't have it quite as bad as his Daddy does though! 

Oh, and Ben had his very first Halloween! He was dressed up as a little pumpkin :)
That's about it! Hope you all are doing well. Thanks so much for being so supportive :)
Lots of love,

Saturday, November 8, 2014

Small Business Monthly Feature and GIVEAWAY: Shop Lulu and Roo

We love supporting small businesses! I have especially become obsessed with all of the creative and trendy items out there for kids. Kenzie and I have decided to do a monthly small business feature, where we will highlight a small business, talk about what they make/sell and come up with some creative ways to highlight their brand. I am so excited about this new project. If you're a small business and would like to be featured, please feel free to contact us through email ( This month our first feature is an amazing Etsy shop I found via Instagram, and instantly fell in love with all of their adorable baby/toddler handmade clothing items! I am talking about the lovely Etsy shop called ShopLuluandRoo. Below, I've featured just a few of their items that we purchased, as well as put together a few mini outfit style boards. BONUS Shop Lulu and Roo has generously given us a $25.00 shop credit which will go to one of our lucky readers. (keep reading for details and your chance to enter this giveaway at the end of the post)
I couldn't wait to get my hands on a few of their items (even though I wanted to buy everything). Unfortunately, money doesn't grow on trees, BUT I was able to get two super cute items for Simon. I purchased one of their slouchy beanies AND a pair of these super cute baby sweatpants.
Here are a few pictures of Simon in his new gear...
GIVEAWAY + Small Business Feature - Shop Lulu and Roo on Orchard Girls Blog
GIVEAWAY + Small Business Feature - Shop Lulu and Roo on Orchard Girls Blog
GIVEAWAY + Small Business Feature - Shop Lulu and Roo on Orchard Girls Blog
GIVEAWAY + Small Business Feature - Shop Lulu and Roo on Orchard Girls Blog

All of her items are so adorable, and I love that they are handmade (very good quality, as well) Like I said earlier, I wanted to purchase one of everything, but I had to settle with making a few mini outfit style boards, and here they are. 
Mini Style Outfit Inspiration on Orchard Girls Blog
The sweatshirts that she makes are so adorable! I love to have hoodies for babies to keep them warm, comfy and cozy. In her shop you can find her hoodies HERE! I love that there are coordinating hoodies, pants, hats, and headbands it really lets you purchase a complete outfit.
Mini Style Outfit Inspiration on Orchard Girls Blog
Here I've featured another one of her hoodies, which is great for any neutral outfit you put together and is gender-neutral, which is great to pass along to younger siblings.Mini Style Board -- Orchard Girls Monthly Small Business Feature: ShopLuluandRoo @shopluluandroo #shopluluandroo
I am so in love with these sweatpants. These are the ones that I purchased, and let me tell you...they are so soft and comfy (wish I had a pair for myself). The waistband and ankle cuffs are super soft, which is nice and is extra comfy for your little one. 
Thank you for stopping by and checking out our blog! We hope you like what you see and decide to follow along with us on:
Orchard Girls - Facebook, Pinterest, Twitter @orchard_girls, and Instagram (Kayla) Instagram (Kenzie)
Now onto our exciting giveaway!
This contest is open to everyone, enter below and feel free to follow us on our above mentioned social media channels, which is where we will announce the winner of the giveaway. This giveaway will run for ONE week from November 8, 2014 (12:00am) - November 15, 2014 (12:00am)
a Rafflecopter giveaway